The International Dressage Officials Club (IDOC) is a Belgian non-profit organization created in 1990.
The first name was IDJC – International Dressage Judges Club.
Statutes IDOC is a Belgian non-profit organization that has its seat in Antwerp (Belgium). Its statutes were originally published in 1990 and revised in 2009.
November 16-19, 2009: FEI releases report from the General Assembly in Copenhagen. The report contains a summary of the main decisions taken by the FEI General Assembly other than those related to the restructuring of the organisation and Clean Sport.
November 18th, 2009: IDJC General Assembly organized during the German Masters in Stuttgart has changed the name to the IDOC.
January 15th, 2010 : FEI officially recognizes the IDOC as full Associate Member.
December 1st, 2019 : The International Dressage Officials Club released a press statement regarding abusive treatment of horses during the warm-up phase at FEI competitions.
The main goals of the International Dressage Officials Club are the following:
- Promotion of the principles of horsemanship, more particularly of the schooling according to the basic rules of classic equitation.
- Maintenance of an independent position of the dressage judges as well as an impartial exercise of the judgment activities.
- Cooperation with international equestrian associations and other associations in matters which pertain to the judgment of dressage training.
- Implementation and testing of proposals concerning the refinement of requirements, assessments and judgment procedures as regards dressage tests.
- Further education of judges and education of candidate judges, organization of meetings and seminars for judges.
- Dissemination of information with regard to questions of judgment and dressage tests
- Defending the interests of members.